Aeration Tank Solutions for Wastewater Treatment
Blog Post October26, 2022

Prevent Manufacturing “Spookiness” With JUMO’s Reliable Safety Systems

As the end of Manufacturing Month quickly approaches, it’s a chance  to reflect on the many ways that manufacturers reduce workplace hazards. It’s also a great time to focus on the ways that safety systems and safety sensors can be used to make this spooky time a little less scary. Automation technology has created a unique opportunity to control independent variables within manufacturing and fabrication to reduce workplace hazards. With powerful and accurate measuring devices, safety temperature limiters, and high-quality system calibration integrated into automation systems, plants have become safer than ever.

Monitoring Systems and Measurement Technology

JUMO’s dedication to automation, safety, and product quality monitoring systems has its roots in the company’s history. With over 70 years of experience in sensors and automation, our product range includes more than just sensor technology and automation systems. From liquid analysis and measuring systems, to air-conditioning and control technology, JUMO has made it a mission to provide competent safety, sensor, and automation solutions for any industry.

Safety operations begin with a comprehensive process control system for whatever outfit and process is looking to be automated. This automated system is then expanded in specific niches such as temperature monitoring to ensure the system does not break or cause injury upon failure while maintaining swift productivity.

Product Spotlight

With automation and factory safety in mind, we’d like to highlight 5 products that were created as innovative solutions to systems management and measurement challenges. Each spotlighted JUMO product comes together to create beautifully coordinated systems:


Both the JUMO Safety M and the Safety M EX are safety temperature monitors according to DIN EN 14597 with the EX model being ATEX-approved. These temperature monitors act as primary build components for large monitoring systems and are used to monitor thermomechanical processes. Through industry-grade thermometers, the SafetyM and SafetyM (EX) accurately measure temperatures within gas, steam, and liquid, to protect both system operation and system operators in the event of critical failure.


System transmitters can become an obvious weak spot in system monitoring both in terms of data input and output. Without a proper middle channel, many systems become limited in scope, speed, and coordination. The JUMO dTRANS T06 reads the temperature through an RTD temperature probe or a thermocouple allowing for a more complete and competent system. These transmitters can also acquire traditional signals while functioning in two, three, or four-wire connections.


Continuing in the same system as the previous model of the JUMO dTRANS T06, the EX model provides a multifunctional four-wire transmitter, characterized by its high level of safety, into previously created systems. The T06 Ex performance allows for the establishment of safe temperature measuring chains (SIL 2 or 3), which allow the temperature sensor to be used in Ex zone 0.


New to JUMO’s line of pressure transmitters, the SIRAS P21 AR provides reliable and accurate analog and digital pressure measurements of liquids, gasses, and steam within pre-built systems or a 1:1 integration with a system control such as the JUMO SafetyM. Furthermore, the SIRAS P21 was developed for use in safety-related plants with Safety Integrity Level (SIL) according to DIN EN 61508.

Push-in thermocouples

JUMO offers a variety of Push-in thermocouples, but by far our most popular are our Basic type 901120/10 model and our Basic type 901120/20 model. These thermocouples offer the best in media-based temperature measurement, liquid or gas, and provide a uniquely easy integration design. Furthermore, the thermocouple thermowells are made of various ceramic materials and stainless steels to protect the base thermometer against various damaging media.

JUMO is Your Partner in Sensors and Automation

Each safety system implemented in a plant is a commitment to worker safety. With JUMO’s selection of paperless recorders, system controls and monitors, and data visualization tools, JUMO is uniquely situated to provide powerful pressure and temperature measurement and automation systems. We look forward to providing manufacturers with a safe manufacturing month.


Brad Hanson - Automation Engineer (315) 480-9840 (315) 480-9840